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Update Git submodules in a pipeline job

Submodules are mapped to a Git repository within a folder. This is an example of a Radix app with a submodule, located in the external private or internal Git repository.

Radix application repository structure

├── app
├── .gitmodules
├── Dockerfile
└── radixconfig.yaml
  • app - a "virtual" folder, referenced to a submodule

  • .gitmodules - a file, describing the reference to a submodule:

    [submodule "app"]
    path = app
    url =

Submodule repository structure

├── server.js

Repository content will be cloned to the Radix application cloned repository within the folder, specified in the .gitmodules property path (in this example in the folder app).

Radix config file


kind: RadixApplication
name: your-radix-app-name
useBuildKit: true
- name: dev
from: main
- name: server
- name: http
port: 8080
publicPort: http

This Radix application has a build secret SSH_KEY and it uses build-kit to be built. The name of the build secret does not have to be SSH_KEY, it just need be the same as used in the Dockerfile RUN --mount... directive (see this below).


FROM AS builder

RUN apk update && apk add git openssh-client
RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh && ssh-keyscan > /root/.ssh/known_hosts

COPY . .

WORKDIR /root/.ssh
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=SSH_KEY,dst=id_rsa \
cd /app && git submodule update --init --remote --merge --recursive --verbose


COPY --from=builder /app .

WORKDIR /app/app
USER 1001
CMD ["node", "server.js"]

The build secret SSH_KEY, specified in the radixconfig.yaml should contain a private key (in PEM format), which will be mounted within the file /root/.ssh/id_rsa (which is used by default by Git CLI). This Dockerfile has two stages - the first (with an alias builder) is to update submodules, the second with a runtime to run the code.
If an option --remote is not specified - submodule will be cloned with a version referenced in the current commit of the Radix application repository, not the latest version of the submodule repository.


The default file name with a private key can be changed with one of following options:

  • env GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i /path/to/your/private_key' git submodule update --init --recursive
  • git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -i /path/to/your/private_key" submodule update --init --recursive

Prepare keys

  • Generate private and public keys. The key format need to be PEM, do not set passphrase (hit the Enter on the request "Enter passphrase" and "Enter same passphrase again"):
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f private-key-file
  • Get generated keys with commands cat (Linux, MacOS, Windows PowerShell), type (Windows Terminal) or with an editor:
    • the private key will be copy-pasted to the SSH_KEY build secret on the next step
      cat private-key-file
    • the public key need to be copy-pasted (the whole text, ending with email) to a new deploy-key in the submodule's GitHub repository: Repository/Settings/Deploy keys/Add deploy key. Allow write access is not needed.
      cat private-key-file.pem`

Register and deploy Radix application

  • Register a Radix application in the Radix cluster
  • Create a first pipeline job build-deploy
  • This job will fail due to a build secret SSH_KEY is not populated. This can be fixed within the Radix console, "Configuration" page of the application, the section "Build secrets" - click on the secret name SSH_KEY and copy-paste the private key from the previous step (the whole text, starting with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and ending with -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----).
  • Create a new build-deploy pipeline job - when it is completed. Navigate to the job step Building server-dev component, ensure that log does not have an error on the step:
    [1/2] STEP 7/7: RUN --mount=type=secret,id=SSH_KEY,dst=id_rsa cd /app && git submodule update --init --remote --merge --recursive --verbose
  • The application should be up and running